At its April 27th budget meeting the Barnstable Town Council members approved $195,000 for an alum treatment to reduce phosphorus in Mystic Lake.
The hearing can be viewed on Channel 18 here. IPA. Testimony from IPA representatives
can be viewed at:
Emory Anderson: 0:12:30
Geri Anderson: 0:21:00
Bill Hearn: 0:41:45
Discussion and unanimous vote to approve the appropriation order can be viewed here:
2:36:00 - 2:46:00
With further testimony by:
Butch Roberts 2:39:00
and Carol Sim 2:46:00
Our speakers were insightful and supported by the many IPA members who attended in person.
Thanks to the Town Council for approving the appropriation, and its president Matt Levesque for moving the the appropriation to the beginning of the voting.