In this issue:
Time to Pay Dues: We have so may projects that need funding: dedicated stewards who sample the pond bi-weekly from May to October, our educational efforts through both Schwarm Scholarship and this year's new the Emory and Geri Anderson Scholarship fund, and so much more. Anyone spending a day on our three ponds understands their magic. Your support lets us be the best possible stewards of the ponds.
Word From Our President: An enthusiastic and energized new Board works to address the growing challenges of water problems on the Cape.
A Tale of Three Ponds: a look at the unique pond environment of each of our three ponds and the search for solutions to the excess phosphorus problem that is hitting Schubael and Long Pond as well.
The Eastern Coyotes of Cape Cod: Sometimes called Coywolf although not an official designation: 60-65% Western Coyote 25-30% Eastern and Grey Wolf, 10% dog. What are their characteristics and territory? How about the local Marstons Mils Pack? What are their activity patterns? Especially now that Mating Season is here and the waters are still low. See the Barnstable County warning for changes in mating season
Floating Treatment wetlands: a possible cure for polluted Cape Cod Pods? Learn more in this newsletter.
Overview of Pond Testing and Water Quality: Learn about the IPA program for testing the health of the ponds and the results from spring to fall 2022.
The Old Coot: one of the most wide-spread birds in the world. Yes we older coots remember the term's colloquial usage..
Coexisting with Coyotes: Little Bitsy shares the lessons she taught us on how to keep your pets safe. For a full list of precautions email