Indian Ponds Association
New Membership and Renewal Form
Our Annual Calendar Year Dues are used to pay for the cost of publishing the quarterly newsletter and filing fees required of Non-Profit organizations in Massachusetts.
The Scholarship Fund supports the two scholarships that we award to assist young adults seeking to further their education in environmental sciences.
Our Pond Restoration Fund provides us with the ability to proactively respond to threats to the health of our three ponds. In 2023 we provided funding for Barnstable Clean Water Coalition’s interns to take monthly samples of the Mystic Lake and Middle Pond to test for nitrogen and phosphorous. They also provided us with a survey of invasive species in and around these two ponds. In the past, we have funded our own extensive pond studies when there was not the political support to have the Town of Barnstable pay for these studies.
​Two membership types are available.
Resident Membership:
For all holders of record title abutting any of the three ponds (Hamblin, Middle, and Mystic), including property not to exceed one lot in depth across the bounding highways of Race Lane from Old Mill east to Route 149, south to Lovells Lane, west to River Road, northwest to Bog Road, north to Old Mill Road, and ending again at Race Lane. Resident Members are eligible to vote and hold office.
Friends of the IPA:
We also invite Friends of the IPA, from outside the immediate area. FIPA members receive the newsletter and are welcome at our annual meeting but are not eligible to vote or hold office.
Membership, Annual membership dues are $25 whether as a resident or a friend. Additional contributions are welcomed.
The IPA is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your membership dues and other contributions are tax-deductible.
New Members Fill out all applicable fields. Mandatory fields are asterisked & Blue. Be sure to press submit
Renewing Members: Fill out blue asterisked fields and any fields where your information has changed.
​Pressing SUBMIT will take you to a page containing payment instructions
Membership Type:
IPA Property Address
Cape Postal Address
For Year:
Off-Cape Postal
If different from above)
(for resident members)
Do you wish to opt-in to receive periodic IPA emails about news or events?
Annual Dues and Donation Payment
Annual Dues
Donation to
Scholarship Funds
DonationPond Restoration Fund
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